• Registration and Membership FAQ
  • Finding volunteer and scholarship FAQ
  • Proposal Submission FAQ
  • Authors and Workshop Leaders’ Registrations and Papers Submissions

Registration FAQs

When can I register to attend the conference?

Registration for the North American conference opens in December. Please note that Registration Fees are based on the date payment is received (i.e. when credit card payment is validated or checks is received), NOT on the date the Registration Form is created or submitted.

Is it possible to register for one day at a reduced rate?

Yes, we offer one day pass.

Can I change my registration?

You can add or remove items from your registration order prior to checking out by entering your order number and email on the online form. If you have checked out and wish to add items such as a workshop please create a new order. If you have alterations that need to be made to a completed order please email accounts@museweb.net with details; an administration fee may apply.

I can no longer attend the conference, what should I do?

Registrations may be refundable with fees. Please contact accounts@museweb.net. Registration may be transferred at any time before the conference, with advance notice.

Why are some sessions in the program “greyed out”?

Sessions that are marked in grey are still tentative.

Can I send you a check for my registration?

Yes, first please create the order online and press check out. Please send your check with your invoice number on it to: Museums and the Web LLC, 4214 Lafayette Pl. Culver City CA 90232 USA.

I want to bring my friend/spouse to the reception. Can I buy a ticket?

Additional tickets for events can be purchased at the registration desk or online. 

Who else is coming to the Conference?

Go to the conference site, go to the “conference” tab, and click “Attendees”  You should be able to see the names and organization of attendees.  We do not share email addresses. Please make sure you are logged in before proceeding.  Only the registrants can view the list.

Do Program Committee members receive a discount on registration?

Please log in, and you’ll see the program committee rate when you go to register.

Volunteers + Scholarships FAQ

Who can apply for volunteer positions?

The MuseWeb volunteer program is for small organizations, non-profit, and students.

Can volunteers present sessions and lead workshops?

Attendees who have been accepted in the MuseWeb volunteers program can present sessions, however, volunteers cannot be workshop leaders.

Who can apply for scholarship positions?

To be eligible for scholarship positions you must have made a significant contribution to the development of a cultural or heritage website or digital initiative and must demonstrate that you would not be able to attend the meeting without support. You must prove you are a current employee of a cultural institution (including educational institutions, libraries, archives, etc.). As a scholarship awardee, you may be asked to give a small presentation or create video on your work during the conference. Recommendations and references must be sent along with the application.

Proposal Submissions

How do I add multiple authors to my paper proposal?

Add co-authors/presenters to your proposal by entering their email addresses in the fields provided in the proposal submission form, which you can access from the profile page of the lead author/proposer. If you have more than four co-authors please complete the four fields available for co-authors in the form, and hit save/update. You will then be able to add additional co-authors.

In order for your co-author to show in the program s/he needs to create an MW profile at https://www.museweb.net/profile/ using the same email address you used to add them to your proposal.

You can update your co-authors at any time until February 1 before the conference by editing your original proposal.

How do I submit a proposal?

To submit a proposal you need to create a free account on the MuseWeb website. Your MW username and password are the same for all MW sites and updating your password on any site will update it for all. Please fill in all the proposals required fields as instructed.

What are the differences between the types of sessions?

There are more than a dozen ways to participate in a MuseWeb conference! Please see the session page.

Performances? Hack-a-thons? Maker Faires? Other interactions or services? Propose any other format of participation + explain how it works. We’re open to new ideas.  Please submit your idea and select “other” under the category.

When filling in the MW paper proposal form, does it autosave? Or do I press submit? I’m not finished.

Once submitted, you can edit your proposals, papers, workshops, professional forums, and how-to sessions through September 30, and demonstrations and lightning talks through December 31.

I have submitted my proposal but haven’t gotten any confirmation email, why?

Please check your spam folder and whitelist MuseWeb email addresses. Should you have any other issues please contact us.

How/when do I know if my proposal has been accepted?

Lead authors are usually notified if their proposals have been accepted by November 30 of the year before the conference. Please check the key dates page on the conference website to know more.

Can I submit a proposal about the same project in more than one category?

Yes, as long as the different proposals reflect the diversity of the formats.

If my proposal hasn’t been accepted for the category I have selected, can I resubmit the proposal for a different category?

Yes, if your initial proposal was not included in the draft program, feel free to resubmit your topic if it also suits other formats for which the call for proposals is still open.

Authors and Workshop Leaders’ Registrations and Papers Submissions

How do I update my abstract, summary, and co-authors’ info?

Go to your profile in the Conference website. Click on the title of your original proposal in the proposals list. You can then update your originally submitted info there – NOT in the page you submitted your paper through.

Please note that co-authors’ info will not show up in the online program until they have created a profile in the Conference website. In addition, you must list them as co-authors in your proposal using the same email address you used to add that co-author to your proposal.

Help! My co-author/presenter is not showing up in the online program!

In order for your co-author to show in the program s/he needs to create an MW profile at https://www.museumsandtheweb.com/profile/ using the same email address you used to add that co-author to your proposal.

How do I edit my paper once I’ve submitted it?

Go to your profile in the Conference website and click on the title of the paper. Only the person who submitted the paper can edit it, as that person has to be logged into the Conference with their profile credentials to edit.  If you need to share the paper after submission with colleagues, we recommend you make a PDF of the paper from its page on the Conference website and circulate that PDF by email etc. The “lead author” or person who submitted the paper will need to compile feedback and edits from colleagues and do that work directly in the online version of the paper.

May I continue to edit my paper after submission?

You may, but please be aware that the version you originally submitted by the deadline is what the peer reviewers are now looking at, so any changes you make now will not be reflected in the version they are reviewing.

Please avoid making edits after the paper has been published on the Conference website, since after the editor has finished his initial work with you, he/she will not be able to go back to your paper again to ensure that your new edits haven’t created new errors or problems. If you discover a substantive error in the information provided in your paper, however, you may contact us to let us know that a correction is necessary in order not to mislead readers.

What if I disagree with the reviewers’ comments and suggested changes?

You may of course disagree with your peers, and the final content of your paper is your responsibility. You may not, however, argue with the MW editor, whose word is law when it comes to copyediting and the MW house style! Please send notes to MuseWeb’s editors on any substantive areas where you will not follow the peer reviewers’ recommendations, especially if they are unanimous (and they often won’t be, so you’ll have to make judgement calls).

When will my paper be published online?

As soon as you and the MW editor agree that the paper is final, it will go live on the Conference website. We will frequently tweet a link to your paper and share it on social media, so please include your and your co-authors’ Twitter handles in your MW profile if you want to be tagged in those tweets.

Since my paper has been peer-reviewed, am I guaranteed that it will be included in the selected conference proceedings?

No. Papers are selected for inclusion in the proceedings on the basis of their perceived enduring value for the field as well as the quality of the research and writing. Many great, timely papers are unfortunately left out of the printed book each year due to space constraints, but the online papers get a huge amount of visibility and use including over the long term.

How do I switch the main author on the proposal?

You will not be able to switch the main author who submitted the proposal.  You will need to contact info@museweb.net to request the change of main author.

How do I add my colleagues on the proposal?

Please make sure your colleagues have created a MuseWeb account. Once the account is approved, you can find the name of your colleagues from the drop down menu in the proposal page.

When do I need to register by in order to present?

In order to present at the conference, one of the author (main author or co-authors) will need to be registered.

Can my colleagues and I submit a nomination for GLAMi Award even if we can’t come to the conference?

Yes. You do not have to be present at the conference to win.

How do I get my workshop teaching credit?

Credit are based on the attendance of the workshop. You will be notified by the MuseWeb team regarding the credit amount before your workshop day. Workshop leaders are encouraged to market your own workshop through your community and list serves as well.

 Proceeding and other resources

How do I find conference proceedings and other resources?

The MW proceedings are published every year and freely available online: https://www.museumsandtheweb.com/bibliography/

Recordings of the conference?

Several sessions are recorded and you can find them on the MW YouTube channel or on the conference website. You can also follow the conversations happening at the conference on social media, especially on Twitter, following the official hashtag #[mw_conf] and/or following @museweb.

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