Advertising in the Conference Program

The [sc name=”mw_short”][/sc] Program is distributed to all conference participants and is an indispensable guide to what’s on when and where. In addition to advertisements, sponsorship is also available for the program.

The program page size is 8 3/8” x 10 7/8” (cover bleeds / text no bleed), with portrait orientation.

Inside Pages (black and white; +1 color optional; NO BLEEDS):

Placement Price Maximum Dimensions (width x height)
Full Page $2,000 (order) 8.0 x 10.5 inches
Half Page $1000 (order) 8.0 x 5.175 inches
Quarter Page $600 (order) 3.875 x 5.175 inches

(Add the (order)  color to any size interior advertisement +$400)


PROGRAM HARD COVERS (available with sponsorship only):

Placement Price Maximum Dimensions (width x height)
Back Cover* available with sponsorship
$14000 (order)
8 3/8 x 10 7/8 inches
Inside Front Cover* available with sponsorship
$12,000 (order)
8 3/8 x 10 7/8 inches
Inside Back Cover* available with sponsorship
$11,000 (order)
8 3/8 x 10 7/8 inches

Cover Pages (full digital color: BLEED OK)

File Format (Digital copy is preferred in one of the following formats):

  1. Press-quality grayscale PDF (.pdf ).
  2. Encapsulated PostScript (.eps) including all fonts and images.
  3. InDesign format, with all linked text and image files and fonts.

Please name your file after your company, not the meeting i.e. WebSpin.indd (NOT Museumsandtheweb.indd).

File Submission DEADLINE: Feb 15, [sc name=year][/sc]

As part of your exhibitor registration, you can include your logo on the [sc name=”mw_short”][/sc] MuseWeb website exhibitor page.

Your Logo on the Conference Web Site

Having your logo included on all email communication is available with some sponsorships.

File Format:

  • Logos must be submitted as web-ready digital files.
  • Image dimensions must be a max of 500px in each direction. Maximum file size 1MB.
  • Logo should be placed on a white or transparent background.
  • Format: GIF (.gif ), JPEG (.jpg), or PNG (.png)

File Submission DEADLINE: Feb 25, [sc name=year]
Submit files [sc name=”dropbox_upload”][/sc].

Advertisement on MuseLetter (monthly)

Months Price Maximum Dimensions (width x height)
1 $1,500 600×90
1 $1,000 500×90
1 $750 400×90
1 $500 200×90

Each ad can link to a URL of your choice. MuseLetters go out at the end of each month.

Other Promotional Opportunities

Don’t see it here? Ask us:

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsors