MuseWeb Invites Intellectual Discussions, Identifies Relevant Cultural Challenges, and Publishes Ongoing Transformative Processes.
GLAMi – New Deadline and Guidelines – June 9, 2023!
MW23|Washington DC|April 3, 4, & 5, 2023 |In-person| Thank you for participating!
After two years of having the online conferences and one year off, we are coming back with an in-person conference – MW23 in Washington, DC, April 2 – 5, 2023. This is not a hybrid conference. The conference will be held at George Mason University ( Mason Square – 3351 Fairfax Dr, Arlington, VA 22201), minutes from Washington, DC and on the Orange Line. We hope you will join us. We do not have a conference hotel.
Sunday, April 2 – Tours
Monday, April 3 – Opening Keynote, Workshops
Tuesday, April 4 – Sessions, Conference Reception
Wednesday, April 5 – Sessions, Closing Keynote